Vitamix Hot Chocolate

Of course with winter almost officially here and Christmas around the corner, that means endless days of hot chocolate and cookies!  Being that my Christmas present last year was an awesome Vitamix I decided to put it to the test.  It performed beautifully; the soup setting was perfect for making quick, easy, and delicious hot… Continue reading Vitamix Hot Chocolate

Hurricane Brown

 With the weather warming up, it’s a perfect time to dust off those summer libation recipes.  Here is a hurricane recipe with a twist.  I call it Hurricane Brown!  I know it doesn’t follow the hurricane naming convention, but it’s always good to color outside the lines once in a while. This recipe is very… Continue reading Hurricane Brown

Mint Simple Syrup

Simple Syrup is used by bartenders all over the world to sweeten cocktails. Mint Simple Syrup is merely simple syrup infused with mint leaves. This concoction comes in handy when making many cocktails and non-alcoholic beverages. This recipe is used to make the La Madrastra Mojitos; however, you can also add it to sweet tea or lemonade. When making… Continue reading Mint Simple Syrup